Speech Therapist & Audiologist

Speech Therapist & Audiologist

Dr. Murli Singh

Dr. Murli singh is a senior consultant in the field of speech therapy & audiology He as worked as an H.O.D. M.B.C.N. Noida, H.O.D. speech therapy department palna, Delhi council for child welfare Delhi, speech therapist, Noida Medicare center Noida, speech therapist, malik Radix Health care Hospital Nirman vihar Delhi. in present he is working in Genesis -Neurogen as H.O.D. Speech therapy & audiology Department.

Some of the services provided by the doctor are misarticulation, stammering, voice disorders, delayed Speech and language, cleeft palsy, Aphasia, Hearing test , Hearing aid fitting and trial, Cerebral palsy, Brain stroke, Aphasia, Paralysis and other speech Related problem.

The language development and scholastic backwardness can be intervened in school going children. The threat on the life or job or social well being in adults may also be intervened.

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Welcome To Speech Therapist Delhi

वरिष्ठ स्पीच थेरेपिस्ट और ऑडियोलॉजिस्ट दिल्ली, डॉ. मुरली सिंह (PhD) के क्लिनिक में आपका स्वागत है, जहाँ आपकी वाणी और संचार संबंधी समस्याओं का संपूर्ण समाधान किया जाता है। डॉ. मुरली सिंह एक अनुभवी और समर्पित स्पीच थेरेपिस्ट हैं, जो बोलने में कठिनाई, हकलाना, ऑटिज़्म, डिस्लेक्सिया, वॉइस डिसऑर्डर और अन्य संचार विकारों के उपचार में विशेषज्ञता रखते हैं। उनके उन्नत उपचार तकनीकों और व्यक्तिगत देखभाल से बच्चे और वयस्क दोनों को लाभ मिलता है, जिससे वे आत्मविश्वास के साथ बेहतर संवाद कर सकें।

The speech therapy programme/services are provided to the children who are suffering with cerebral palsy, mental retardation, autism, stammering, articulation disorder etc. in addition to hearing and or speech problem. Elderly persons affected with neurological disorders like CVA, hemiplegia, aphasia, dysphasia, dysarthria are also given speech therapy.

Speech Therapist & Audiologist in East Delhi

Our Services

Speech Therapist Delhi Centre for speech & Hearing is a well equipped multi-speciality habilitation & rehabilitation clinic.
Speech Therapist Delhi is an integrated experience & latest technology in the field of speech & Hearing Language.

Speech & Language Therapy

Speech and language therapy provides treatment, support and care for children and adults who have difficulties with communication, or with eating, drinking and swallowing.

Stuttering / Stammering

In most cases a stammer (also known as a stutter) is not acquired but developmental, adults presenting with a stammer usually have had it since childhood.

Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy is a neuromuscular disorder that currently has no cure. However, there are a number of treatment options available to help improve your child’s daily life, health and well-being.

Voice Disorders

Treatment for voice disorders varies depending on the cause. Most voice problems can be successfully treated when diagnosed early.

Child Aphasia

Aphasia can affect all aspects of a child's language such as thinking of the right word, using the correct grammar when they talk or write and understanding what they hear or read.

Delayed Speech & Language

There are instances when a kid doesn’t show the usual signs of development compared to their peers. A child can show different signs as per age.

Happy withParents & Students

Speech and language therapists are allied health professionals. They work with parents, carers and other professionals, such as teachers, nurses, occupational therapists and doctors.

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