Welcome To Misarticulation Speech Therapy in East Delhi

What is articulation?

Articulation is the process by which sounds, syllables, and words are formed when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds.

A person shows articulation problem when he or she produces sounds, syllables, or words incorrectly so that listeners do not understand what is being said or pay more attention to the way the words sound than to what they mean.

Misarticulation Speech Therapy in East Delhi

Is an articulation problem the same as “baby talk”?

An articulation problem sometimes sounds like baby talk because many very young children do mispronounce sounds, syllables, and words. But words that sound cute when mispronounced by young children interfere with the communication of older children or adults. Older children and adults have so many severe errors that their articulation problems are very different from “baby talk.”

Misarticulation Speech Therapy in Delhi

What are some types of sound errors?

Omissions; e.g “at” for “hat” or “oo” for “shoe.”

Substitutions; e.g “w” for “r.” “rabbit” sound like “wabbit,”

Distortions; e.g “th” for “s” so that “sun” is pronounced “thun”.


The services of a speech therapist help to cure the stammering, stuttering, or other speech disorders. The speech therapist provides comprehensive therapy which enables a patient to gradually develop a relaxed speaking style and become fluent.

Someone has an articulation problem when he or she produces sounds, syllables or words incorrectly so that listeners do not understand what is being said. An articulation problem sometimes sounds like baby talk because many very young children do mispronounce sounds, syllables, and words. But words that sound cute when mispronounced by young children interfere with the communication of older children or adults.

Since stammering or stuttering is not a medical problem or a disease, the treatment is not the medical cure, but a series of breathing exercises, tongue exercises, articulation exercises and then gradually speaking with relaxation to develop a rhythm and finally achieve fluency in speech.Articulation is the process by which sounds are formed when your tongue, jaw, teeth, lips, and palate alter the air stream coming from the vocal folds. Sounds are learned in an orderly sequence. Some sounds, such as "p," "m," and "b," are learned as early as 1 year of age. Other sounds, like "s," "r,' and "l," often are not completely mastered until the early school years. Children should make all the sounds of English by 8 years of age but many children learn these sounds much earlier.

Misarticulation haveis not any type of physical disorder ,it is a bad habit so its may be recover 100%. But need of proper speech therapy.

What causes an articulation problem?

Articulation problems may result from Oral structure deformity seen in; Cerebral palsy, Cleft palate. or Hearing loss, Dental problems. However, most articulation problems occur in the absence of any obvious physical disability. The cause of these so-called functional articulation problems may be faulty learning of speech sounds.

Also Articulation problems may result from a hearing impairment. Children learn their speech sounds by listening to the speech around them. This learning begins very early in life. If children have frequent ear infections during this important listening period and subsequently suffer from glue ear, they may fail to learn some speech sounds.

Articulation problems may also be related to a weakness of the oral muscles.

articulation problem

How can we help a child pronounce words correctly?

  • Don't interrupt or correct the child. Don't let anyone tease or mock (including friends or relatives).
  • Present a good model. Use the misarticulated word correctly with emphasis. If the child says, "That's a big wabbit," you say "Yes, that is a big rabbit. A big white rabbit. Would you like to have a rabbit?"
  • Don't let anyone "translate" for the child, this will encourage them to pronounce more clearly.

A child with an articulation disorder needs speech therapy. Without treatment, a child may struggle with lifelong vocational, learning, emotional and social problems.

Causes of Articulation Disorder

For many children the cause of oral or motor dysfunction articulation disorder comes from from brain damage or neurological dysfunction. For other children, however, there is no clearly identifyable cause. Articulation problem may result from a hearing impairment.

Symptoms of Articulation Disorder ?

  • Distortions - An attempt is made at the correct sound but it results in a poor production
  • Omissions - Sounds in words and sentences may be completely omitted
  • Additions - Extra sounds or syllables are added to the word
  • Dysarthria - slow, slurred speech with inaccurate movement of the articulators
  • Substitutions - An incorrect (usually easier) sound may be substituted for the correct one
Misarticulation With Speech Therapy

Treating Misarticulation With Speech Therapy

A person with this disorder produces sounds, syllables or words incorrectly so that the listeners are unable to understand what the speaker is trying to speak. Verbal communication forms a very important part of our lives. It determines the progress of our lives in a big way. For effective communication the correct articulation is necessary. Articulation is the process where in the speech organs like tongue, palate interacts after air stream comes out of the Vocal Chords and produce sounds, syllables and words. However a disorder in proper articulation may happen which may be on account of omissions, substitutions and distortions. We at Speech Therapist Delhi being a leading speech therapy clinic in Delhi NCR would try to explain to you the basic things you should know about Misarticulation:

Misarticulation Causes:

There may be various causes for misarticulation. It may be on account of Cerebral palsy which arises out of weakness or disorder in the brain. This is a leading cause of Misarticulation in children. Cleft Palate is another cause for it. Other causes for Misarticulation may be for hearing loss, dental problems too. Along with physical causes for this problem there may be certain faulty articulation defects too. These happen because of faulty learning practices of speech in some cases.

Research has shown that for a child as young as 2 years, about 50% of what he or she speaks may be intelligible. In case of 4 years old child the articulating capacity must be still much better in comparison. For a 7 year child however he or she should clearly be able to articulate much clearly which must be consistent with the community norms.

Incase still you notice that the problem of Misarticulation is persisting in your child, you must immediately seek the help of a Speech Therapist or a Speech Language Pathologist (SLP).

The Speech Therapist Delhi or Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) can help in treating Misarticulation:

Speech Language Pathologist (SLPs) or Speech Therapists are therapists who specialize in treatment of Speech and language problems A SLP is not a doctor but an expert in speech assessment , diagnose speech disorders and thereby conduct speech therapy sessions to treat and overcome the problem. Misarticulation is also a speech disorder which can be treated by the Speech Language Pathologist (SLP) or the Speech Therapist. Recovery from Misarticulation through Speech therapy depends on various factors like the severity of the problem, the stage at which it is detected, etc. Depending on these factors the SLP or Speech Therapist plans and determines the Therapy sessions. An early detection and early intervention by the SLP or Speech Therapists always helps in fast recovery. It is therefore recommended that in case of any early indication of your child suffering from misarticulation, you must immediately visit a renowned Speech Therapy Clinic for an early assessment of the Misarticulation Therapy as early as possible.

Dr. Murli Singh (Speech Therapist & Audiologist) is expert in the treatment of misarticulation & Misarticulation Therapy along with other speech disorder treatments. Our expert team of SLPs would surely provide you with the best speech therapy ensuring a fast recovery. For further details about treatment of Misarticulation please visit our clinic.